Waterproof protective nano paints for building industry
Discover the Magic of Nano Paints for the Building Industry!
Protective waterproof nano paints for porous materials of construction
Nanoformula produces waterproof paints based on mixture liquid polymers (oligomers) designed for building materials such as concrete, bricks, fibrous materials. Created by waterproof protective paint VOKA inner barrier layer prevents to flora fouling because rejects the water from this zone and prevents covering with lichen, moss, fungus and similar. Nano protective paint VOKA is effective not only for waterproofing building facades but also for porous mineral construction objects as anti-fouling in city, enterprises, farms and so on. doesn’t content water. Liquid is very floating, easy penetrates into porous material and easy spills. Waterless nano paint VOKA can be used under any outdoor temperature. Waterproof paint compares favorably with other analogs in market by 10 years lasting effect because of nano-dispersed particles composition is presented in product.
Nano paint creates waterproof protective layer into materials with depth 3-6mm depend from material’s structure without changed material’s appearance in most cases The air free penetrates into building material but in same time water stops by hydrophobic barrier layer. Gradually protected with waterproof nano paint building material obtains dry state with a best heat-insulating property. Waterproof paint VOKA is good for protection both open and faced vented building facades.
Created by waterproof protective paint VOKA inner barrier layer prevents to flora fouling because rejects the water from this zone and prevents covering with lichen, moss, fungus and similar. Nano protective paint VOKA is effective not only for waterproofing building facades but also for porous mineral construction objects as anti-fouling in city, enterprises, farms and so on.
One more an excellent property of the waterproof nano paint VOKA is chemical resistant of the protected surfaces. Created inside materials barrier layer gives to surface a good anti-corrosive protection against strong acids, alkali, fertilizers (liquid and solid). VOKA creates into materials inert nano coating which doesn’t reacts with chemicals and prevents chemical corrosion. Waterproof nano paint VOKA with this effect successfully is used for anti-corrosive protection porous surfaces in chemical terminals, warehouses, chemical plants, transportation hubs and in many similar applications.
VOKA's consumption is 50-100g/m2 depend from type of the porous surface, keeping time is 5 years, lasting time is 10 years.
Anti-graffiti waterproof nano paint
Waterproof nano paint CleverCOAT PRO anti-graffiti effectively and (important) not expensive protector against graffiti. Product is water based. Working temperature must be more null centigrade degrees. It creates transparent, almost invisible sacrificial coating on surfaces. Unwanted pictures are easy removed with sacrificial coating from protected surfaces by only hot water under pressure or for small area by hot water with brush.
It is not important what type of the graffiti in protected with waterproof nano paint surface – graffiti are removed easy and reliably.
This waterproof nano paint manufactured with concentration ready to use in porous surfaces. Diluted with water product may be used for smooth surfaces like painted surfaces included painted building facades and any construction objects. Waterproof nano paint also applicable for entrances and other public places for cleaning painted escapade and other vandalism. Cleaning is very easy and fast without chemicals without construction surface renovation.
CleverCOAT PRO anti-graffiti also can be used for prevention of the unsanctioned announcements in public places. Treated with waterproof nano paint surfaces obtain so strong hydrophobic property that stick paper sheet with waterborne adhesive impossible. Even if waterless glue was used - unwanted announcements easy remove from surface with hot water. Lasting effect of the CleverCOAT PRO anti-graffiti is 2 years minimal and keeping time also is 2 years.
Additionally this waterproof nano paint can be used as anti-fouling coating for underwater body and biological anti-corrosion product of the boat. Waterproof nano paints possess strong adhesion to any surfaces. This product prevents to fouling. Even if fouling presents in underwater body instead labor-intensive and expensive cleaned operation surface is easy cleaned with pressured hot water and re-coat cleaned area again.
Nano additive for oils, oil pants and drying oils
Waterproof nano additive Bento-01 based on linseed oil designed to improve properties of the wood paints: oils, oil pants and drying oils. Bento-01 included natural clay nano dispersed particles. In spite of particles concentration is not high they cover surface with oil by continuous layer protected all covered surface against water and UV radiation. Oil pints improved with Bento-01 additive applicable for any indoor or outdoor wood surfaces.

Bento-01 was designed in first as additive in producing lines because necessary follow to special technological regime and can be interested for oils, oil paints, dry oils factories to produce improved formula goods. Bento-01 keeping time is 1 year without freezing of the product. Lasting protection effect of the additive is same as oil product. Nano additive
Bento-01 improves waterproof and UV protection of the oil paints in several times.