Bento-01 - a natural additive for the paint industry

Bento-1. Natural Nano Additive for oil

Bento-1. Natural Nano Additive for oil

Safety Data Sheet

Technical Data Sheet and User Manual

For orders from 25kg (1 canister) - bulk packaging, please contact.



Natural additive Bento-01 based on linseed oil and natural bentonite clay additives with dispersion of 16-60 nm. Bentonite forms a gel that does not affect the appearance of the coatings.

Water drops on wood coated with linseed oil with / without Bento-01 after 4 hours

Water drops on wood coated with linseed oil with / without Bento-01 after 4 hours

Nano bentonite gel in linseed oil is a ready-to-use additive to increase the UV and moisture resistance of paint coatings.

Due to the high content of montmorillonite (Al2 [Si4O10] (OH) 2 • nH2O) in clay, the gel additive has a framework structure characteristic for aluminosilicates. The presence of this additive in the composition strengthens the paintwork.

Nano-dispersed dimension and high specific surface area of bentonite particles (at a relatively low concentration of Bento-01) reliably shield the oil-coated surface with a protective additive. As a result, it becomes resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Water drops on wood coated with linseed oil with / without Bento-01 after 5 hours

Water drops on wood coated with linseed oil with / without Bento-01 after 5 hours

Bento-01 improves the resistance of painted surfaces to water and vapour at least in three times during long exposure to moisture. For example, in one day after painting the oil to the surface, the contact angle of the drop on the layer with Bento-01 additive and the control sample was approximately the same. However, after 5 hours, the control sample lost its water-repellent properties, while the contact angle of the drop on the surface with Bento-01 additive decreased by only 10% with maintaining good waterproofing.

In the case of testing samples after painting in month later, this trend persisted. Control sample lost its water-repellent properties after 48 hours, while the coated by oil included Bento-01sample with Bento-01 did not change its hydrophobic properties.

Protected brick facade

Canisters with Bento-01

Testing the effect of ultraviolet radiation on surfaces was performed by shielded and unshielded areas on the painted areas with and without Bento-01 additive. It was found that after 30 calendar days in the control samples shielded and unshielded areas appearence was different while in samples with Bento-01 additive appearance do not change.

Due to the frame structure of Bentonite, the hardness of coatings with Bento-01 additive on the surface increases. The presence of metal ions in Bentonite (sodium and magnesium) reduces the potential for static electricity tcollected in the painted layer. These two factors prevent dust and dirt accumulating on the surface when using Bento-01 for outdoor formulations.